Connor Lin

I am a 


I started programming in 2018 when I was 12 years old, and it's been my passion ever since. I've been learning and developing my skills in Python, making it my favorite language. It can be used for a broad range of projects, which makes it beneficial since I'm always looking to learn more. I'm currently a high school student intending to pursue a career related to computer science and engineering.


PythonHTML/JS/CSSJavaFlaskDjangoReact/NextSvelte/SvelteKitTailwindCSSFirebaseSupabaseSQLMongoDBComputer VisionTensorflowConvNetsAWSGCPCI/CDDockerPythonHTML/JS/CSSJavaFlaskDjangoReact/NextSvelte/SvelteKitTailwindCSSFirebaseSupabaseSQLMongoDBComputer VisionTensorflowConvNetsAWSGCPCI/CDDocker


Here are some of my projects that I've worked on.

SHS Maps

📊 4.2k Unique Visitors in the 1st Week

SHS Maps is a program designed to assist new students in navigating their school. It implements pathfinding algorithms to determine the shortest and most efficient routes to their classes. The program connects six different locations within the school, including West Floors 1-2, the Link, and East Floors 1-3, providing convenience and ease of use for students.

The backend is entirely developed in Python and utilizes the A* pathfinding algorithm to calculate the shortest path between two points. It works by converting a picture of the school map into a 2D array, with each pixel representing a node. The program then applies the A* algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes and incorporates a breadth-first search algorithm to determine the necessary locations to traverse in reaching the destination.

Surplus Share

🏅 1st Place at SHS Hackathon 2024

Surplus Share is an innovative application designed to bridge the gap between businesses with surplus food and individuals in need. Utilizing an advanced heuristic genetic algorithm, the app optimizes delivery routes for drivers, ensuring the swift and efficient distribution of food. It also incorporates a sophisticated distribution algorithm, taking into account various factors such as dietary restrictions to facilitate the most effective allocation of food resources.

Surplus Share utilizes a Python backend with a heuristic genetic algorithm to optimize delivery routes for drivers. This algorithm leverages the Google Maps Distance Matrix API to calculate travel times and distances between locations, taking into account real-time traffic conditions. Additionally, a distribution algorithm ensures efficient allocation of food resources based on dietary restrictions. Firebase Firestore serves as the database, storing information about businesses, individuals, and available food. The frontend, built with Nuxt.js and TailwindCSS, provides a user-friendly interface for both businesses and individuals.

SHS Giveathon

🏫 Leaderboard app for SHS's Annual Charity Event

An app designed for SHS's annual charity event, in partnership with NHS, named Giveathon. The main purpose of this website is to provide a leaderboard for the event, allowing students to view the top earners and top classes. This feature fostered competition and support for the event, which successfully raised over $31,000 in 2023, benefiting families participating in the event.

For simplicity in management, as the event was run by the NHS Executive Board members, the website was built using Google Sheets as a database. The website utilizes the Google Sheets API to fetch data and a Flask backend to serve the API. The frontend is developed using Next.js and TailwindCSS.

HealthCoach AI

🥉 3rd Place at SHS Hackathon 2023

HealthCoach AI is an app designed to guide beginners on their wellness journey. It offers a variety of tools, including AI-powered workout plan generation, food macro tracking, and water intake logging, all tailored to support users in achieving their fitness goals.

The app leverages OpenAI's davinci-003 model to create personalized workout plans based on the user's preferences and objectives. For backend operations, it utilizes Firestore for document-based storage and user authentication. We used Nuxt for the frontend web app, with TailwindCSS as our styling tool.



  1. 1st in the Stevenson High School Hackathon.


  1. 3rd in the Stevenson High School Hackathon.
  2. Silver Division in the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO).
  3. 1st for Fencing in the Great Lakes High School Fencing Men's Team Championship.
  4. National Honor Society (NHS) Member.


Intended Courses | Senior - 2024/2025

  1. Linear Algebra Honors
  2. Multivariable Calculus Honors
  3. Engineering Design and Development Honors PLTW
  4. AP Biology

Relevant Courses

Junior - 2023/2024

  • MCS 142 - Computer Science II at College of Lake County.
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
  • AP Physics C: E&M (5)
  • AP Calculus BC (5)
  • Electrical Engineering Honors PLTW at Stevenson High School.

Sophomore - 2022/2023

  • AP Computer Science A (5)
  • AP Chemistry (5)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at iD Tech Summer Camp.


  • Intro to Machine Learning at Kaggle.
  • Intro to Deep Learning at Kaggle.
  • Computer Vision at Kaggle.